الثلاثاء، 7 أكتوبر 2014


Ohio is an American state located in the Midwestern United States, bordered to the north of 
Lake Erie and the state of Michigan, eastern Indiana, 

Western Pennsylvania, and the northern states of West Virginia and Kentucky. OH zip code is in the American system. Ohio is a word in the language of the tribe 

Alairokoas Indian and means the great water, and return the state designation that name relative to the Ohio River, which represents the southern border. 
This is the state motto: with God all things will be possible and dealing with God everything possible to be achieved. 
Population in the state 11.35314 million people in the 2000 statistics. 
The state's history [edit] 
Frenchman Robert de La Salle to the territory of Ohio in 1669 and then became a subsidiary of Ohio Englishmen after the war between France and the Redskins. 

The Americans won the war after the rebels in 1783 was the establishment of the first American colony in the city of Marietta. In 1794 Win 

Gen. Anthony Wayne on the Redskins signed in 1813 and in the victorious Oliver Perry on British troops at the battle of Lake Erie 

Ohio is the first state to be installed electric lighting columns in the streets and so in 1914. 
Archaeological evidence suggests that the Ohio Valley inhabited by nomads and people were in the early 13,000 BC. These nomads disappeared in 

Early Ohio by 1,000 BC, "but the material culture of advanced base for those who followed her," between 1,000 and 800 

BC, the sedentary Adena culture emerged. Kmacal historian George W. Knepper notes, this sophisticated culture "which 

  So named because it proves their culture and are drilled in 1902 on the basis of Adena, Thomas Worthington's legacy is located near 

  From Chillicothe ". Adena were able to establish" semi-permanent "because the villages, as well as hunting and gathering, which includes plants 

Domesticated squash, sunflowers, and perhaps Aldhirh.erua the rest of the Adena culture snake big hill, and is located in the town of Adams, Ohio. 
About 100 BC, has joined Adena Ohio Hopewell country before the people, who are about Captain Hopewell 

Ministerial, which guide the agricultural discovered their unique culture, like the Adena, Hopewell people in the hill - and build a culture, 

  The impressive fortifications can be found in modern-day Marietta, Newark, and Circleville. Hopewell, however, have disappeared 

From the Ohio Valley in about 600 AD, not much is known about the people who replaced them. The researchers identified two distinct cultures 

  Prehistory: the old castle and the people of Whittlesey Focus people. It is clear that all cultures and disappeared in the Horn of 17th, 

  But some scientists believe that the ancient castle of the people "ancestors of the historic Shawnee people, or that, at least, and historical 

  Shawnees absorbed remnants of these older peoples. "
Ohio Valley was affected deeply affected by the offensive tactics for the Iroquois Confederation, based in central and western 

Niuyork.obad so-called Beaver Wars in the mid-1600s, the Iroquois claimed much of the Ohio country and fishing, more importantly, 

  Beaver - trapping. After the devastation of war and epidemics in the mid-1600s, which emptied of a large part of the country, Ohio 

  Indigenous people by the mid-to late seventeenth century, the land gradually became hostile housing mostly by native speakers 

Algonquian ancient descendants of the population, is a strain of Adena, Hopewell, the state of Mississippi or Mississippi bedazzled and cultures. 

Many of these countries Ohio and states were multi-ethnic (sometimes multi-lingual) communities born in the earlier destruction caused 

About the disease, and war, and subsequent social instability. They're on agriculture (corn, sunflowers, beans, and so on) 

And supplemented by seasonal fishing. By century 18th, they are an integral part of the global economy brought about by the largest fur trade. 
Indigenous Nations live in the state of Ohio in the historical period) clearly after 1700) and included the Miamis (a large confederation), Wyandots 

(Made up of refugees, especially from the break in Huron confederacy), Delawares (advanced towards the west from their historic homeland in New Jersey) 

, Shawnees (also pushed west, although they may be descended from the ancient castle the people of the state of Ohio), Ottawas 

(More commonly associated with the upper Great Lakes region), Mingos (like the Wyandot, the newly formed composite of refugees 

  Of the Iroquois and other communities, and Eries (gradually absorbed into the new, multi-ethnic "republics," a Wyandot). 

  Ohio country also the site of Indian massacres, such as the massacre of Yellow Creek and 

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