الثلاثاء، 28 أكتوبر 2014

Louisiana US

or Louisiana (in English: Louisiana) is an American state, located in the south of the United States. LA called short. 
Located East Texas, South Arkansas, Mississippi and west, north and the Gulf of Mexico. The state capital is Baton Rouge and 

Of the largest cities of New Orleans and Lafayette and Shreveport. 

Label [edit] 
Was named the state of Louisiana this name relative to Louis XIV of France, who ruled between 1643 and named 1715.hat travelers 

French René-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle, in 1682, on behalf of (La Louysiane) and meaning (the land of Lewis), before writing to change the way Louisiane, 

  Figure customary now. [1] 
Date [edit] 
The history of the Louisiana Native Americans of the era, and that was followed by European colonization stage, starting from the fifteenth century, 

  Deliberated on the verdict as France and Spain, before the first time during the reign of Napoleon are sold, in 1803, the United States of America, the fledgling. 
Era Native Americans [edit] 
Like the rest of the regions of North America, extending human presence in Louisiana to 12 thousand years, according to archaeological evidence. 

  By friction with the Europeans, Native Americans were still in the area from the Gulf of 
Mexico to the Great Lakes region 

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