السبت، 18 أكتوبر 2014

Beautiful pictures of the cave Awilat in Bursa (Turkey)

Images in a variety of cave Oalat Stock Exchange 

Anyone who wants to watch Falls Awilat

Oalat area generally in a wonderful place, while the forest and takes your place around rivers and waterfalls are falling, and multiple views of 
Springs mineral baths and hot place intended for rest and recreation 
Away from the city of Bursa, some 70km 
You can walk around the whole day from the city of Bursa 
Or residence in Mentdjaha, its hotels or small 
Grotto Awilat
A depth of approximately 500 meters and formed the rock forms a strange 
And may dare voice bats and dim lighting there
Image inside the cave
Great picture showing rocks Bamoarh
The entrance to the cave (on the nature of peace, O)

The cave from the outside
A picture of a tunnel entry
I wish I could have got a simple objective ÇÚĚÇČßă 

For images and are movable 

  Good luck

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