الأحد، 2 نوفمبر 2014

Tourism in Spain America

Spain is one of the most internationally known tourist countries, and is almost the number of visitors to nearly double the number of its population of about forty million, and Tourism is a real industry yield on the country's income tremendous amount of foreign currency, constituting a major source in the general budget, and ahead of their income from other economic activities such as agriculture and industry and trade, despite the superiority of Spain in these areas, many of the EU member states, especially in the production of vegetables, fruit and exported. 

Sun and sea tourism 
Official statistics show that a large part of the visitors to Spain consists of visitors tourism sun and the sea, a tourism pattern which depends upon its hotels and tourist facilities stretching along the beaches bordering the Mediterranean Sea from the east and south, and the beaches of the Atlantic Ocean in the west and north of the Iberian Peninsula . 
But the figures also confirm that the cultural tourism that rely on visiting historical monuments and landmarks that represent the Andalusian Islamic civilization important part of which have special significance. 

Red Palaces
Alhambra home built by Abdul Rahman 

Considered red palaces in the city of Granada, the first teacher of tourism in terms of the number of visitors, as it is visited by more than 2.2 million tourists annually. This prompted the discovery maintaining effects to claim those responsible put on the roof can not be bypassed for the number of visitors who can allow them to visit this important historical monument even pollution generated by tourists in damage to this important impact does not cause experts, cause injury, or injury to parts of it damaged serious, which is what actually happened in black fountain which was raised from a Osodha place to be subjected to a thorough restoration. Officials said they intend to return it to the place and start renovating the rest of the black respectively. 
The red palaces group which is located on a plateau overlooking the alloy on the city of Granada from the engineering marvels that attract tourists the beauty of the composition and Baha motifs and inscriptions that adorn the walls and doors and Chaababeckha. This property consists of a set group of palaces, halls and gardens that have been built in the fourth century AD during the reign of three kings of Bani Nasr are: Ismail and Yusuf I and Mohammed V. 
This represents palaces set a unique system in receivership system, which protects it, making it a fortress can live in isolation from the surrounding areas, and perhaps for this reason, has resisted the Christian armies led by the Catholic Queen Isabel, that King Abu Abdullah Little decided to be delivered in the second of January (January) in 1492. 

Alphenonoaota Prado Museum Museum of Art in Madrid in second place in terms of visitors, a large margin, of course, about the number of visitors to the red palaces, as the number of visitors to this museum 1.8 million visitors annually. 
The museum is located in the heart of the Spanish capital, and includes a large number of paintings, which almost covers the eras of art in Europe, including groups representing Flemish art and the Italian and Spanish periods, but that the museum stores of thousands of paintings, which sits in the dark due to lack of sufficient space, despite the magnitude of the showrooms. But most important of these groups presented in the form of a semi-permanent return to the top Spanish artists such as Goya and Villazquit. 
And regulates the Prado Museum on multiple periods of the year specialized exhibitions to display plates rare for some artists, or to celebrate the occasion of certain technical. 
The Queen Sofia Museum of Modern Art in Madrid, is a recent, and is located just a few minutes from the Prado Museum, and can be visited through the card joint entry between the two museums were issued in order to save expenses on tourists. This museum houses the most important paintings of contemporary artists from Spain who lived during the second half of the nineteenth century and the twentieth century, and perhaps the famous painting Guernica, which Picasso created by the artist for the ugliness of the Spanish Civil War of the most important exhibits of this museum. 
The coming of the Holy Family Cathedral, created by architectural artist genius Gaudi in Barcelona city ranked next to the Museum of Queen Sofia visited annually nearly one and a half million tourists, was launched in the creation of this unique cathedral in the external composition and internal in 1928, has yet to be completed after the put the finishing touches on them. 
But do not Pedrera building, the other architect Gaudi impact that created it in the late nineteenth century in the city of Barcelona, too, Fazorh annually approximately one and a half million tourists. It features a building not Pedrera strange form covered protrusions and curves on all the walls, but the interior and Slalmh that resemble caves mountains in the regions of Anatolia, and the whole of the Spanish artist, who some accused him of going crazy design, but it left a technically legacy is superior to many of the ancient monuments of importance. And turned the city of Barcelona, thanks to its open-air museum in the open air. 

Covenant of the Islamic Andalusia 

The minaret of Seville 

The nearly one million and a half million tourists a year visit the royal palaces and the cathedral in the city of Seville, and was perhaps the most famous Giralda feature of this city, which attracts attention. This was the minaret was built in the Islamic era in Andalusia, and is considered closer to the engineering marvels such as the minaret, it was used for the call to prayer, and was considered at the time the tallest building in the world recently, was built in 712 AD, and creator Arabic lived in the city, little history that his name Jafar, and others mention that his name Joseph son of Jacob, is said to have supervised the construction is a poet named Abu Bakr, so the building closest to the poem than to build a brick. 
Up the Giralda rise to about 250 feet (93 meters), and do not have him, but revolves around through the upward slope, said to be the muezzin was a climb to the summit on the horse, and the old premises ends with four balls to refer to the four corners of the earth, added to Eng Spanish Catholic Hernan Ruiz in 1568, four statues of the Renaissance, and added to the peak moving piece rotates with the direction of the wind, and said to her name Giralda any rotary - in Spanish - came from a rotation that piece. 
And next to the minaret of the mosque, who became bowl cleave the cathedral built by the Catholic Monarchs to exploit the minaret as a piece of art in the context of the building, and those are considered the largest cathedral of what took place in Spain since the fall of Andalusia and the beginning of the Christian era. 
The Mosque of Cordoba Mosque in eighth place
he number of visitors at least one and a half million a year, and later attracts the Picasso Museum in Barcelona, ​​a similar number of foreign tourists, as well as Gobnheim Modern Art Museum, located in the city of Bilbao in the Basque Country, which is the newest art museum is held in Spain.

السبت، 1 نوفمبر 2014

Tourism in Mexico

The name of God the Merciful 

Peace, mercy and blessings of God 

Mexico is a country in North America, bordered to the north of the United States of America, and 
Middle Atlantic and West Pacific and south-east of the two America 
Central are Guatemala and Belize. Mexico is the most populated state Bmtkelma Spanish language in the world and often call the population of the Republic of Mexico, but that this is not an official label. 
Mexico site .. ..: 

Spreading in the shores of Cancun hotels .. where high-rise resorts covered 
..oika Trees on the White Coast extends between the Pacific Ocean and the forests that covered most beautiful types 
Plants and trees ..omazm these resorts located approximately one mile from the highway where separated 
By bumpy dirt roads .. but what those roads that end until the visitor finds himself in front of quiet beaches 
Small and hotels owned by individuals, but they have great interest and care provide absolute comfort for visitors. 
This does not appear similar to the resorts.,., 
Mexico, the land of gold and Inca Lured by the Spaniards on the invasion and occupation ..
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